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What is Indiana Deer News?


Believe it or not the concept for Indiana Deer News (IDN), was actually thought up years before actually launching. Ty Miller, born and raised in Northern Indiana, had a desire for a service where hunters across the state could access information for all things concerning the Indiana wild deer herd. Time restraints however, kept the idea from launching. 


Then in 2018 when Indiana Deer Hunter's Conservation Alliance officially formed, their desire to have a podcast and Ty's position on their board (stepped down since) became the catalyst to finally kick this concept into existence. Not formally connected to ANY group or organization IDN aims to be a resource any and all hunters in Indiana can look to for content and discussion.


IDN's number one goal will always be to provide and establish itself as the best resource for Indiana deer hunters in all things affecting them. This will be accomplished primarily through the monthly Podcast(s): Indiana Deer News! Be sure to subscribe today.

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Jim Miller - Elkhart County, Indiana


Ty Miller is a lifelong resident of the state of Indiana. Residing in the Northern most part of Indiana, his primary hunting is located in St. Joseph County and Elkhart County. 


Over the years Ty has found tremendous success on small acre properties that many other huntes scoff at and overlook. You can learn more about Ty over at his personal website


Outside of hunting lies Ty's true passion and that is being a Godly father to his son Bryson and husband to wife Lisa.


Ty prays no matter what side of any hunting related topic or discussion you reside on, Indiana Deer News Podcast will be one you can come to for information and discussion.

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Indiana Deer News Mission Statement

"To be the foremost Podcast for all the deer hunters of Indiana"

Proudly designed by Yoda Design Team

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